



1)I'm just browsing.(我只是随便看看。)或“I'm just looking.”

2)I'm looking for a sweater. Could you help me?”(我想买一件毛衣,你能告诉我在哪里吗?)

3)May I try this on?(我能试试这件吗?)

4) Where is the fitting room?”(试衣间在哪里?)

5)I like this tank top. It goes with my baggy jeans.(我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。)
tank top就是背心。有一种男生穿的纯白背心,美国人把它戏称为wife-beater。男生穿的宽松短裤就叫baggy pants。而我们熟悉的直筒牛仔裤是straight jeans。

6)Could you help me pick up a dress?(你能帮我挑一件礼服吗?)
低胸(low cut)连身裙(evening gown)。
dress up则是指作正式的穿着打扮,男女都可用,也就是女生穿礼服、男生穿西装打领带了。

7)I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.(我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。)

8)I need to get a custom-made Tuxedo for my wedding."(我要为婚礼去定作一件燕尾服。)

9)This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.(这件衬衫又时髦又便宜。)

10)I don't think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。) 12)It's not my size或t won't fit me(大小不合适)。
11)Your clothes don't match.(你的衣服不太配。)

12)Let me ring that up for you.(可以结账了吗?)
“埋单”的讲法通常是check out , ring up同样也是“结帐”的意思, 15)OK.Go ahead and ring it up for me.”(好,那就帮我结账吧!)
Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?
Seat number 座位号码 
Where should I put this? 手提行李放在哪里?
Airline ticket 飞机票 
Could you change my seat,please? 请换一换我的座位
boarding pass 登机牌 
May I have tea/coffee/juice/water? 请给我来杯茶
emergency exit 紧急出口 
Beer, please 请给我来杯啤酒
life jacket 救生衣 
Will this flight get there on time? 航班正点到达吗?
This form? 这张表格? 
Aisle(window) seat 靠走廊(窗户)位
take-off 起飞 
Could you tell me how to fill in 请告诉我如何填写
Landing 著陆 




假日游 vacation rip

蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour

境外旅游 overseas tour    
一日游 one-day sightseeing
持证导游 licensed tourist guide

导游翻译 guide interpreter

实习导游 student guide

导游手册 tourist brochure

度假胜地 holiday resort

避暑山庄 mountainresort

国家公园 national park

古建筑群 ancient architectural complex

自然景观 natural scenery

人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest

旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots

山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andrivers

名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers

名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites


瀑布 waterfall /cascade

温泉 hot spring/ the thermal spring

青山绿水 green hills and clear waters

绿色葱葱lush green /luxuriant vegetation

百花竞放Hundreds of flowers contend to blossom

陵墓 emperor's tomb/mausoleum

古墓 ancient tomb

石窟 grotto

楼 tower /mansion

台 terrace

亭阁 pavilion

塔 tower /pagoda

廊 corridor

石肪 stone boat

堤 causeway

洞穴 cave

岩洞 cavern

溶洞 water-eroded cave

石灰石洞 limestone cave

石笋 stalagmite

钟乳石 stalactite

湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion

水榭 waterside pavilion

莲花池 lotus pond

曲径 winding path

城堡 castle

寺庙 temple


天主教大教堂 cathedral

修道院 abbey /monastery

尼姑庵 Buddhist nunnery

佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land

宫殿 palace/hall

皇城 imperial city

御花园 imperial garden sandal wood fan antique /curio handicraft /artifact

出土文物unearthed cultural relics

甲骨文inscription on oracle bones

青铜器bronze ware

陶瓷 ceramics

陶器earthenware /pottery /crockery

法琅 enamel

泥雕clay figurine

兵马俑 the Qin terracotta army /the terracotta warriors and horses

折扇folding fan

檀香扇 sandal wood fan

古玩 antique/curio

手工艺品 handicraft

木雕 wood carving

竹雕 bamboo carving

贝雕 shell carving

浮雕 sculpture in relief /relief carving

藤条制品 wickerwork

雕漆器 carved lacquer ware

唐三彩 trio-Colored glazed pottery of the TangDynasty

金石印章 metal and stone seals

字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting

国画 traditional Chinese painting

山水画 landscape painting

水墨画 ink painting

文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of theChinese study

工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship

独具匠心 original design/unique pattern

造型美观 gracefully shaped

姿态逼真 lifelike /vivid as if alive

光彩夺目 emitting radiant sparkles

千颜万色、多姿多彩 of all hues and postures

一步一色 Every step brings a new scene.

绵延山峦 rolling ranges

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills

景色如画 Picturesque

诱人景色 inviting views

景色宜人soothing vista

风光绪丽 most gorgeous scene

奇峰罗列 rows of perilous peaks exhibiting a great variety of shapes

拔地而起 to rise abruptly from the ground

光怪陆离grouped into grotesque and colorful forms

赏心悦目 pleasing to the eye /a feast to the eye

园林建筑 garden architecture

佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains

世界七大奇迹the world's seven wonders

天下无双 second to none

天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth

天下第一奇洞 the most spectacular cave in the world

人间仙境 fairyland on earth

顶礼膜拜 to worship /to pay homage to

人如潮涌with throngs of people milling around

空前绝后 to be unprecedented /to have no parallel in history

人在画中游 traveling in a pictorial world

令人流连忘返to hold great attraction

