
 商务英语邮件写作 邮件写作中你不得不知的细节


1. Write a meaningful subject line “主题”要有意义

Subject: Important! Read Immediately!!!
简评:你认为很重要的事情在别人看来却未必如此,你在邮件主题栏里大喊大叫只会让对方觉得你很傲慢,且不专业。邮件的主题一定要informative (具体;提供有用信息),让对方在没打开你邮件之前就知道你大概要说什么。上面这个主题可以这样改:

Subject: Emergency: All Cars in the Lower Lot Will Be Towed in One Hour

2. Identify yourself clearly 选择一个专业的邮箱地址

To: Bruce Blinderson
From: FuZzYkltTy2000@hotmail.com
Subject: [Blank]
Hi, I'm going to miss tomorrow conference, can you send me the conference proceedings?

To: Bruce Blinderson
From: m.ponsybil@gmail.com
Subject: Conference absence, Sept. 10
Dear Mr. Bruce,
This is Morris Ponsybil from…

3. Distinguish between formal and informal situations 语言风格得当
邮件有正式和非正式之分。如果你是写给和自己比较熟的同事,那么在邮件里用一些表情符号(smilies 如 :P 等),缩写(比如IIRC表示“If I recall correctly”;LOL 表示“laughing out loud")和网络语言可以使你的邮件充满个性,增进你与对方的感情。但是如果你是写给你的上司,或者不太熟的客户,那么在语言风格的拿捏上就要谨慎了。

商务英语邮件写作 10分钟写商务报告


首先,如果问题是第一次出现,那么你大可不必小题大做,你可以先make a mild complaint(温和地提醒下对方)。我们来看一个例子:

Dear Sir:
I'm writing in connection with my booking with you for an adventure holiday to Peru.

On the 19th of May, I sent you a check for $390 as a deposit. Unfortunately, I have not yet received a receipt for this. I would be grateful if you could send me this as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Margareta Lindell

这封邮件结构清晰,写邮件的人语气也比较温和,并没有什么过激的言辞。complaint的核心句是Unfortunately, I have not yet received a receipt for this. I would be grateful if you could send me this as soon as possible. 邮件写作者在描述问题时只是说明了事实本身(没有收到发*),紧接着作者还提出了针对这个问题自己希望得到的解决方案(希望能尽快送到),除此之外,并没有带上任何负面情绪。这让收到邮件的人感觉很舒服,也知道自己是在跟一个reasonable的人交流,这样邮件使整个交流充满了正能量,有利于问题的解决。

因此,当make a mild complaint时,可以分两步走:

  • 1. 描述事实本身


  • 2. 提出解决问题的方案

可用句型:Pleasecould you…
We would be grateful if you could…

当然,如果第一次投诉未果,你可以再发一次complaint。而这一次,你的语气可以更强烈一些,make a point,让对方知道:don't take me for granted。

当make a point时,你可以使用这些句型:
I should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)…
I should like to remind you that…
I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that…

对方从你的措辞中可以感受到你的态度:It's over the line. You gotta take it seriously this time.

如果第二次投诉后,对方还是无动于衷。那么我们完全可以将心中的怒火释放出来,make a strong point,甚至是make a warning。

当make a strong point时,可以分四步走:

  • 1. 描述事实本身

e.g. It's now over ten months since we placed this order and we are still waiting for the pencils.

  • 2. 强调不满

e.g. I should like to point out that we've already paid for these pencils.

  • 3. 要求对方立即采取行动

e.g. We must insist, therefore, that you deliver them immediately.

  • 4.(必要时)给出警告

e.g. Unless…, we will be forced to…



1. 投诉邮件根据事态的严重程度可以分为三大类:make a mild complaint,make a point,make a strong point (make a warning)。

2. 当第一次、第二次投诉时,可以分两步走:

  •  1)描述事实本身

  •  2)提出解决问题的方案


3. 当第三次投诉时,可以分四步走:

  • 1)描述事实本身

  • 2)强调不满

  • 3)要求对方立即采取行动

  • 4)(必要时)给出警告


  • Title:标题言简意赅,只需告诉对方主题即可。e.g. REPORT ON…


  • Introduction:这部分陈述写报告的目的。内容包括要求你写这份报告的原因及报告最后你将达到的效果。

e.g. The purpose of this report is to…
The objective of this report is to…
The aim of this report is to…
This report aims to…
Mr. A has asked me to report to…
As requested by…, I am submitting the following report about…
Here is a report concerning…

  • Findings:这部分主要阐述事实和信息,记住要避免把你个人的意见带进来。

e.g. According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above…
The recent visit / investigation / survey showed that…
The table / chart above tells us that…
From the chart shown, we find / learn / notice that…
The table / chart above is showing that…

  • Recommendation(s):这部分主要是基于前部分的findings提出意见和建议。

e.g. The following are the recommendations…
It is recommended that…
Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can be concluded that…
With reference to the advantages stated above, the following recommendations can be made…
With reference to the facts above, the following recommendations can be made…

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